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We believe choosing a school is a very serious commitment. In the final analysis, the family must choose us; we do not choose the family. For this reason, we encourage parents to look in depth and seek as much information as possible about our program, as well as other programs, before making your decision.

For more information on the Montessori method, we highly recommend the following books.*





*All the above titles are available to current families in our parent resources library.

Free the child's potential, and you will transform him into the world.

- Maria Montessori -

Observing Our School


Parents who know what to expect become strong partners with their Montessori school,
which is why we recommend this sample checklist (adapted from one by Terry Malloy)
when observing at any potential program for your child.


  • Receive visitors with respect and discretion?

  • Relate philosophy and its implementation with ease and depth?

  • Willingly answer questions asked (and those that may not have been asked)?

  • Appear willing to spend unlimited time with visitors?

  • Maintain an orderly office space?


  • Display cleanliness, tidiness, and freedom from clutter?

  • Show evidence of materials in good repair?

  • Provide materials in a complete, sequenced, and accessible manner?

  • Exhibit a calm inviting atmosphere?

  • Appear to be child centered rather than adult centered?

Does the STAFF...

  • Move softly and gracefully?

  • Show awareness of the general environment?

  • Stay alert to the needs of the children, responding when appropriate?

  • Relate to the children privately and respectfully?

  • Present lessons quietly and effectively without interrupting the harmony of the class?

Do the CHILDREN...

  • Move gracefully with respect toward others and the environment?

  • Choose and work with the materials purposely?

  • Work with contentment?

  • Seek help only when necessary?

  • Complete individual tasks with interest and concentration?

"We are so grateful to all the teachers and mentors [our girls] had
during their time at Montessori. The Montessori Children’s House of York
will always be a very special place to our entire family."

(KB, former MCHY parent)

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